Monday, September 5, 2022

And God Said to the Woman "Thou Shalt Not Be Equal" : Did God Really Say That?

I have been a HubPages Contributor for almost 10 years. When I arrived at HP, Scott Belford aka myesoteric was already there publishing extremely interesting articles that generated a lot of discussion from members and external visitors. The title of this particular HUB (link below) caught my eye and I was drawn into the discussion. Below are some of the comments I left behind. 

When I first joined HubPages my user name was "mib56789". That account was deleted and a new account was created under a different user name, "cmoneyspinner1tf". These comments, under my old user name, are 8 years old. I thought when my account was deleted, all related activity vanished. So I was very surprised to see that my comments were still there. Sharing a link to this HUB as you may want to contribute your thoughts. HUBPages is a platform that accepts comments from both internal and external visitors.


FIRST: Your HUB title is not contentious. As a HUB writer I know that most often if the title doesn’t grab the reader’s attention they probably won’t read the HUB.

SECOND: By “the Bible”, I assume you mean Old and New Testament scriptures. When something is based on something that means the “basis” is the foundation. Islam is not based on the Bible. Islam is based on the Koran. The Jewish faith is based on the Old Testament (one part of the Bible) and Christianity is based on THE BIBLE (Old and New Testaments).

THIRD: Inequality is not scriptural, i.e. non-biblical, not based on the Bible. Male/female. Black/White. Jew/Gentile. Slave/Free. God has no respect of persons. Everybody gets treated equally. The laws of God were never set up to institutionalize and systematize inequality. Just because humans have chosen to arrange institutions and systems and misapply scriptures to accommodate these inequalities doesn’t mean it was God’s idea.

RE: The fall of humanity wasn’t blamed on Eve. (It’s in the Bible.)

RE: Monotheism has evolving backwards?

God never withheld Himself, His love or His wisdom; because at one time WE (mankind) ALL KNEW THE ONE TRUE GOD. We turned away from God. If you want to call that “evolving backward”? OK.

Yet and still, He’s the same God TODAY that spoke to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. God didn’t screw up the world we live in. We did it to ourselves. God has provided a way for us to redeem ourselves. We can accept the offer of salvation or reject it.

There’s scripture for everything I say. I’m not making any of this stuff up. It all comes from God’s word: THE BIBLE. The same Book that you say God made the woman unequal.

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