Sunday, April 26, 2020

Shaloo Walia's List of 7 Books You Can Read In Less Than An Hour

I met my friend Shaloo Walia many years ago via Facebook. It's been so long I can't remember who contacted who to connect. I'm just glad we crossed paths with each other. We share many similar interests and we chat happily with each other often. Somewhere during the course of our conversations, I learned how much she liked to read. So, to me, her doing book reviews via YouTube seemed like a logical next step. Nevertheless, I conducted a short interview to ask her how and why she got started. See Q&As below.

I was glad when Shaloo let me know that she had started a YouTube channel. I subscribed and have watched many of her videos. I think the particular video below that I am sharing would interest many people. Lots of people enjoy reading. But they don't always have time. But maybe they do have time.  They would probably be happy to read 7 books in an hour. But is that possible? Shaloo says it is. Here is her list.

Results of Shaloo Walia's Interview 

Q:  Why did you decide to start a book review vlog?

A:  I not only love reading books but also book discussions. Unfortunately, none of my friends or colleagues are readers. So I started writing book reviews on my blog so that I can share about the books that I read. Early this year I started a book-tube channel to share my passion for books with others. Having a book-tube channel just seemed to be a natural extension of my blog.

Q:  How do choose which books to review?
~ Do they come from a bestseller list?
~ Are you active on Good Reads?
~ Are you in a book club?

A:  Life is too short to read trashy books. So I am very picky about the books that I read. I check reviews on Amazon & Goodreads before buying a book. I am also a part of a reading group on Facebook from where I get excellent book recommendations. I try to review all the books that I particularly enjoyed reading.

Q:  Will you consider taking suggestions from others on certain books to read and do a review?

A:  Of course, suggestions are always welcome. If I feel that a certain book suggestion is worth exploring than why not?

Q:  Do you have a reading list for books you plan to read in 2020?

A:  I am not too organized to follow a certain list but I have certain books and authors in mind. I want to read more books by Elif Shafak, Neil Gaiman, Murakami, Agatha Christie, and Paulo Coelho. Also, I want to read a few classics. I am currently reading 'Little Women'. Some other classics that I want to read this year are Wuthering Heights, Jane Eyre, Sense and Sensibility & Emma. I also want to read at least a few books by Indian authors - the titles are "Sacred Games", "The Far Field", "Malgudi Days" (short story collection), and "The Room on the Roof".

Q:  Is there something you would like to say to your YT channel subscribers?

A:  Read every day even if just a few pages. And also share your love of books with others. Encourage others to read.  And do share my YouTube channel with your friends. I have some interesting videos planned for the coming months and will be doing some giveaways soon. So stay tuned.



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