I have always wondered what life was like in Bible times. Mainly because of the miracles that were described. I would love to have been an eye-witness to such events. Also because it would have been awesome to have an encounter with an angel. I have a theory about all those alleged close encounters with aliens. (A theory. No proof!)
- I don’t believe in aliens from other planets.
- I do believe in angels from another world; the heavenly realm.
My theory is that all those so-called “proofs” that aliens once visited the earth – IF there really are unexplained marks, residue, etc. that indicate activity of a non-human “essence” – my “best guess” is those non-humans weren’t aliens; they were angels. Show me all the proof you have, it won’t overrule or override my guess! My genuine belief.
Interesting Reading :
Forgive me if my expressions of thoughts come out on paper the way they usually are in my brain — scattered … but make sense to me! 
Continuing this discussion by incorporating a reference to another article – What is the Merkabah? – because so many people out there are interested in the topic of either aliens or angels or both, and the study of things that seem to be related, like merkabah.
“The Merkabah was thought to be a divine light vehicle (a spiritual space ship of sorts) that transported people from one dimension to another and thus enabled people to access, connect with and communicate with beings of other dimensions. …”
Also sharing a link below to another site. Whether you agree with me or not on my angels versus aliens stance, you will still find this topic of “human angels” fascinating and worth exploring. People committed to good works = human angels.
Finally, my readings led me to this marvelous YouTube video which has background music featuring the soulful serene vocals of Sarah MacLaughlan; song titled “Delerium”.
- Video Link: Merkabah, The Chariot of Ascension
“Heaven holds a sense of wonder”. (Quote lifted from the song lyrics.)
Aliens. Angels. Merkabah. You can see how these things all connect. Right? (O.o)
Image credit: “Merkabah” by Visionary Artist Jetter Green
See more of Mr. Green’s wonderful artwork at JetterGreen.com
Another Link of Interest:
(Not about the merkabah, but along the lines of mystic beliefs)
"The Akash (your personal records) is everything/everyone you have ever been, both positive/negative (as viewed in our duality) and it can create the experiences and emotions felt in this life because it is in the now' which, is hard to grasp in our present life." ~ Graham Koster, Healer, spiritual counselor and Zen motorcyclist!
My original content also appears at LiteracyBase.com, Mar 26, 2017;
and at PersonaPaper.com, May 9, 2017.
and at PersonaPaper.com, May 9, 2017.
** A brief history of the ancient monsters of the ancient world and the sea
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