Wednesday, December 7, 2022

Go Google Yourself!! Fairy Tales Do Come True.

"Life itself is the most wonderful fairy tale."
- Hans Christian Andersen

If you are you a writer or a blogger like me, then you'll appreciate this post.  I have been at this home biz endeavor for a while. (Started trying to blog and write in 2011.) 

Do you ever Google yourself (your name and a search term) to see what pops out in the search results? 

It's a serious search but also a lot of fun!

I write at various sites and wanted to quickly find some content I had published several years ago, so I Googled myself (fairy tales, cmoneyspinner).  The search engine generated 86,600 results (0.50 seconds). WHOA! The results also change depending on which browser (Chrome vs Firefox).  My fairy tales quest came true.  I found what I was looking for. YAY!!  I couldn't believe it!!   The search engine actually recognized me!  Happy to report that the first two search results actually did relate to what I was searching for.  What was curious was the rest of the page results? I don't quite get the connection. (O.o)  No matter.  The search results were fruitful.

There probably is no connection other than the fact that my name also shows up with some of those content links and the search engine decided to produce some more results to fill out the page.

Let's face it. It's artificial intelligence and a handy research tool. But the search engine can't do the thinking for you. You got the results. Now you're going to have narrow it down and do some cherry picking.

The search was still fun though! :)

By the way, do you know the name of the man who is called the father of fairy tales.  HINT:  It's not Hans Chrisitian Anderson.  (Answer.)

HCA By Thora Hallager (1821-1884) -, Public Domain 

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