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Saturday, June 17, 2023

Joie de Vivre's Ancient History Blog Posts Roundup!

Do you appreciate the value of history? Especially ancient history? There is a wonderful website called Ancient History Encyclopedia. The vision statement at their website clearly outlines their intent and purpose:
At Ancient History Encyclopedia we believe that ancient history is too important to be found in expensive books, on private homepages with a nationalist agenda, or less reliable Wikis. The internet is available in every country on earth, and it deserves reliable high-quality educational history information.”

They really do accomplish what they set out to do. They may not have set out to inspire me to do additional research and write blog posts about my findings, but they did! Below is a roundup of blog posts published at Joie de Vivre Magazine.

Do you like history?

Is there a favorite history blog or website you enjoy?

Hope you enjoy these posts.

Nimrod and the ‘Gate of God’

Ancient Kingdoms of Lydia and Persia

Who Were the Philistines?

Mark Antony and Antonia Fortress

Seven Wonders Plus One (or Two)

Did Alexander the Great Think He Was Great?

Alternate Names for the Dead Sea



● Ancient History: African Kingdoms: Nubian Princesses

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